
Beast by the Waterfall Guesthouse


Beast by the Waterfall Guesthouse


Beast by the Waterfall Guesthouse is a photographic fiction as well as a reconstruction of my childhood travelling memories.

I used to fantasize the world as a sleeping beast, who was gigantic, bizarre, and quiet. I was able to imagine it as my secret friend, regardless of its wishes. The silence of the beast was an umbrella, shielding off most truths of the world. Everywhere was but a strange land waiting to be explored and discovered. Since I have entered the process of adult socialization, my view of the world changed, from a given and relatively static universe, to an ever-moving, progressing ribbon that needs to be pursued. This caused the loss of one mental dimension. To find my lost dimension back, I escaped from my routine life and started my trip of getting lost.




当孩子仍是孩子,世界如沉睡的巨兽般无害,这静默隔绝了人世的大部分真相,生活必需被拱手奉上,不需与世界建立利害关系,处处可被当做陌生的待探索之地——地图上的一小片图案。 而当人进入成人的社会化进程,便会在解释和分析社会的过程中不停安放自己在其中的位置——仿佛世界由一个现成且相对静止的微型宇宙,变成了一条永远向前更新的,需要用力追赶的缎带,这造成了一个心理维度的丧失。 抱着找寻这一丧失的维度的希望,我逃离日常生活,开始了一段以迷失为目的的旅程。