
Installation shots of exhibition Time Burns

Project Time Burns is an attempt to model imaginative space on a plane and then unfold the model in the exhibition space.
Like how the flames would soar and fuse into each other, in Time Burns, the video clips from the artist’s own traveling experience glows along with the graphics of the scenes in a virtual character’s memory; the music that was made through a musician’s sensitivity vibrates along with the sound that was generated by a computer algorithm; the digital avatar of a physical existence overlays with the material objects that were created to reflect phantasmal concepts.

正如火苗在回旋气流中的奔突与交融,在“时间篝火”中,来自作者个人旅行的影像片段与来自虚拟人物记忆中的场景画面在空间中一同闪烁;音乐人通过身体情绪所进行的感性创作与将数据输入电脑所生成的算法旋律同时发声;事物在数字世界中的替身与试图映射出虚幻概念的实 在物件相互交叠。


Solo exhibition Time Burns

Surplus Space, Wuhan, Hubei, China

2017. 6. 24 - 2017. 8. 24

The Bonfire of Time


The Bonfire of Time I, II, III (2017)

HD color animation with sound

2m40s; 3m; 2m30s

A modelling attempt of the imaginative time burning. In The Bonfire of Time I, the emitted particles form into a cylindrical vortex and extends continuously. In The Bonfire of Time II, a torus bends inward, collapse and explode under simulated forces. In The Bonfire of Time III, multiple planes gather, overlay and then disperse. The music is generated by a computer algorithm based on the data of the animation by a musician.

时间篝火I号、II号、III号 (2017)





Sound design and algorithm composing by Jing Yu


Memory Caustics


Memory Caustics (2017)

4K color animation with sound 6m47s, dimensions variable
Memory Caustics explores the tension between human memory and computer memory.
Utilizing photographs from her past journeys as texture, the artist reconstructs the places in the photographs by 3D modeling. At the same time, a virtual character walks, drinks, sleeps, swims and flys in these places, so that the artist’s own experience of time is transplanted on the virtual character.

内存腐蚀 (2017)

有声彩色4K动画 6分47秒,尺寸可变


Music from Xuan Ye and Chenhuai Wang
